The Project

Encouraging and fostering inclusive values among youth
by increasing awareness and enhancing knowledge and skills requirements in a digital era

The Efivos Project is a Εuropean program promoting inclusive education and promoting common values among young people by raising awareness and enhancing their skills in media literacy.

The main objective of the project is to empower young people from disadvantaged backgrounds such as migrant and ethnic minority groups to equally participate in today’s information society by taking the media in their own hands.

The name EFIVOS (Encouraging and Fostering Inclusive Values among youth by increasing awareness and enhancing KnOwledge and Skills requirements in a digital era) is the Greek word for “teenager” and has been chosen as the acronym of our project to highlight and keep in mind who will be the main beneficiaries of the activities.

The project aims to upscale a project called “Young Journalists” which was developed at a local level in Athens, Greece. In the framework of this project, teenage refugees, immigrants, and Greeks were empowered to run and manage their own printed newspaper called “Migratory Birds” which was distributed as an insert with the Greek newspaper “Efimerida ton Sintakton”, and their own online web-radio called “Dandelion”.

Latest News

June 2020 Press Release

From the beginning of EFIVOS project, the 7 partners have been working closely, albeit the pandemic situation to develop solid foundations for the project. Those foundations and scaffolding are framed …


Have a look at our flyers here! EFIVOS-BROCHURE_FINALDownload FLYER-EFIVOS-FINAL_ENDownload

Focus Groups

At the beginning of this phase, the partners needed to conduct focus groups. The focus groups intended to validate the proposal of the methodology on the basis of the real …


EFIVOS is an Erasmus+ project which aims to develop the media skills of disadvantaged young people. For a comprehensive overview of the project and its activities, read our first newsletter. …